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What Makes Luxury Homeowners Insurance Unique from the Rest?

Luxury homeowners insurance policies are quite unique compared to the usual homeowners policy. For luxury homeowners, there are so many other factors to consider aside from the insurance company guidelines, and these factors will be part of a rather complete protection and risk management plan. In this post, you will learn more about what qualifies as a luxury home and what any appraisal process usually includes.


Contrary to what most people think about high value homeowners insurance Chicago policies, qualifying as a luxury home doesn't only talk about the appraised dollar amount. However, it is almost entirely certain that for a home to be labeled as luxury, it has to be appraised at over a million bucks. The most sensible reason for the expensive worth is because luxury comes with stuff that isn't found in traditional homes including but not limited to high quality workmanship, fancy design, and personalized refinements. As for non-luxury homes, replacement cost calculations are performed through a computer modeling program. The said computer modeling program takes into account things like home dimensions, pool dimensions provided there is a pool, roof styling, addition of structures outside the main building, and countertop as well as cabinet upgrades. But for a luxury home, the entire appraisal process will go beyond the traditional components.


Appraising the Luxury Home


The luxury home's appraisal therefore needs to be more comprehensive. There must be higher replacement costs considering the inclusion of fancy stuff like handcrafted moldings, fountains, banisters, chandeliers, stained glass, and vintage or imported roof tiles. The appraiser will have to do a better job in performing added research in order to specifically determine the cost of the replacement of rare features in the home and the payment for the skilled artisans who will be responsible for restoration. Read facts about insurance here at


Scheduling Personal Property


For the luxury homeowners, they have to schedule unique and very high value personal property at This usually includes antiques, fine china, jewelry, collectibles, furs, and other types of cherished possessions. The purpose of this is to provide the Assessed Value Coverage for those things that have been scheduled. Furthermore, it will essentially provide a broader coverage for luxury homeowners insurance Chicago when compared to the usual homeowners policy.


Picking a Favorable Policy


Lastly, every luxury homeowner would want to find an insurance company that will create a highly favorable policy. Favorable in this regard means that the policy must financially cover not just the highly valuable home but also all the possessions, things, and stuff inside it. The same policy must also be reviewed and updated every year to make sure that the homeowner is continuously protected.

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